As expression of support to everyone suffering from the ongoing war, which we all hope will have soon an end, the EPTDA association and its members want to stand in solidarity with people and families involved in such brutal events that are taking place over the last couple of weeks.

As hundreds of other corporations and organizations already did, the EPTDA has decided to suspend the existing memberships, new membership applications, as well as any other service for companies located in Russia and Belarus. Although such decision could seem insignificant, every single action when aggregated with many others may be a meaningful part of bending the course of the war back to peace.

Families in need of humanitarian assistance

Almost three million people are now forced to flee their homes and various solidarity actions have been launched around the world. If you want to make a financial contribution, but do not know precisely where and how, the EPTDA, as an association based in Belgium, is willing to recommend the Belgian office of the UN Refugee Agency. Your contribution can be made via this link “UN Refugee Agency” or via a wire transfer on behalf of UNHCR Belgium, BE61 0018 8535 1917, BIC / SWIFT:GEBABEBB, Communication “Donation Ukraine”. We can assure that this help will be given to those who now need it.