Joanna Gansel
Milos Kysel is Managing Director at BDI Slovakia and volunteer within the Membership Value Work Group. Discover more details about him in this interview – like what is his favorite childhood memory and how it influenced him into adulthood.

What is your favorite childhood memory and how it has impacted your adult life?

The summer and winter holidays we did every year together with my family.

What do you do on your commute to/from work?

Listening to the radio while driving my car.

How do you take your coffee?

With milk, no sugar. Preferably in a glass cup, not a ceramic one.

Do you like going to the movies or prefer watching at home?

I prefer watching movies at home.

Our next guest will be John Ellingson, member of the MC – what question have you always wanted to ask him?

Here is my question to John: What country or place, anywhere in the world, is your dream destination and you would like to visit?